28th Week after Pentecost. Tone two.
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos named "Znamenie". Commemoration of the miracle of the Weeping Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "Of the Sign" at Novgorod in 1170. Great-martyr James the Persian (421). Venerable Palladius of Thessalonica (6th-7th c.). St. James, bishop and wonderworker of Rostov (1392). Uncovering of the relics (1192) of St. Vsevolod (Gabriel), prince and wonderworker of Pskov (1138). Blessed Andrew of Symbirsk (1841). New Hieromartyrs Nicholas archbishop of Vladimir, Basil, Boris, Theodore, Nicholas, Alexis, John, Sergius, John, Sergius, Nicholas priests, New Hieromartyrs Ioasaf, Cronides, Nicholas, Xenophon, Alexis, Appolos, Seraphim, Nicholas and Martyr John (1937). 17 Monk-martyrs in India (4th c.). Venerable Romanus the Wonderworker of Cilicia (5th c.). Znamenie-Sign Icons of the Mother of God: "Kursk-Root" (1295), "Abalatsk" (1637), "Tsarskotsel'sk" and "Seraphimo-Ponetaevsk" (1879), Verkhnetagilsk (1753) and named "Korchemnaia" (18 c.). Venerable Pinuphrius of Egypt (4th c.). Venerable Nathaniel of Nitria (6th c.). Venerable Diodorus of George Hill (Solovki) (1633). St. Maximus of Riez (460). Venerable Theodosius of Trnovo (1363). St. Virgil, bishop of Salzburg (748). St. Congar, bishop of Somerset. St. Fergus, bishop of Glamis. The Scripture Readings
Luke 1:39-49, 56 Matins Gospel 2 Timothy 2:20-26 Luke 19:37-44 Hebrews 9:1-7 Theotokos Luke 10:38-42; 11:27-28 Theotokos
Greatmartyr James the Persian, Troparion, Tone IV — In his suffering, O Lord,/ Thy martyr James received an imperishable crown from Thee our God;/ for, possessed of Thy might,/ he set at nought the tormentors and crushed the feeble audacity of the demons.// By his supplications save Thou our souls.
Or this troparion, in the same tone — Thou hast astonished all by thy terrifying torments/ and the valor of thine endurance, O much suffering one,/ most wondrously uttering prayers of thanksgiving to the Lord/ as each of thy members was severed from thy body./ Wherefore, receiving a crown amid thy suffering,/ thou hast ascended to the throne of Christ God, the King of heaven.// Entreat Him, O James, that He save our souls.
Kontakion for the Greatmartyr, Tone II — Persuaded by thy good spouse,/ O James who wast patient of soul,/ and fearing rather the dread tribunal,/ thou didst spit upon the Persians' command and the fear of them,/ and didst show thyself to be an honorable martyr// whose body was pruned like a vine. |
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