Minggu, 27 Januari 2013

Daily Orthodoxy 27/01/2013

223. Apakah pernyataan bahwa “dan telah naik ke Sorga” pada artikel keenam Kredo diambil dari Kitab Suci?
Hal itu diambil dari pernyataan Kitab Suci: Ia yang telah turun, Ia juga yang telah naik jauh lebih tinggi dari pada semua langit, untuk memenuhkan segala sesuatu. [Ef 4:10]

Kita mempunyai Imam Besar yang demikian, yang duduk di sebelah kanan takhta Yang Mahabesar di sorga. [Ibr 8:1]

224. Apakah hal itu didalam Hipostasis Allah ataukah didalam kemanusiaanNya bahwa Yesus Kristus telah naik ke Sorga?
Didalam kemanusiaanNya. Didalam Hipostasis Allah Ia selalu ada didalam Sorga.

225. Bagaimana mungkin dikatakan Yesus Kristus duduk disebelah kanan Allah Bapa, mengingat bahwa Allah ada dimana saja?
Hal itu harus dimengerti secara rohani, yaitu bahwa Yesus Kristus memiliki satu keagungan dan kemuliaan yang sama dengan Allah Bapa.

Kalender Liturgi Gereja Orthodox Indonesia (Russia)

Orthodox Calendar Monday, January 28, 2013 / January 15, 2013 (Church Calendar)

35th Week after Pentecost. Tone one.
St. Paul of Thebes, Egypt (341), and St. John Calabytes ("Hut-dweller") of Constantinople, monks (450).
New Hieromartyr Michael, priest (1942).
New Hieromartyr Benjamin, bishop of Romanov (1930).
Monk-martyr Pansophius of Alexandria (249-251).
St. Prochorus, abbot in Vranski Desert on the river Pchinja in Bulgaria (10th c.) (Serbia).
St. Gabriel, founder of Lesnovo Monastery, Serbia-Bulgaria (980) (Serbia).
St. Gerasimus, patriarch of Alexandria (1714).
St. Maximus, bishop of Nola (250).
Venerable Ita of Killeedy, hermitess and foster-mother of St. Brendan (570) (Celtic & British).
Venerable Maurus, disciple of St. Benedict (584) (Celtic & British).
St. Salome of Udjarma, and St. Perozhavra of Sivnia, Georgia (4th c.).
Venerable Barlaam of Keret Lake near the White Sea (16th c.).

The Scripture Readings

Hebrews 8:7-13
Mark 8:11-21


Ss. Paul of Thebes & John the Hut-Dweller, Troparion, Tone IV —
O God of our fathers,/ deal with us ever according to Thy meekness./ Deprive us not of Thy mercy,/ but through their supplications// direct our life in peace.

Kontakion of the Venerable Paul, Tone III, "Today the Virgin" — Assembling today let us praise in hymns the never-failing lamp of the noetic Sun;/ for thou didst shine forth upon those in the darkness of ignorance,/ leading all to the divine heights,/ O venerable Paul, adornment of the Thebans,// steadfast foundation of the fathers and the venerable.

Kontakion of the Venerable John, Tone II "Seeking the highest" —
Loving the riches which cannot be stolen, O all-wise John,/ thou didst hate the riches of thy parents/and, holding the Gospel in thy hands,// thou didst follow after Christ God, praying unceasingly for us all.

May 5 – Great and Holy Pascha

Fixed Great FeastsJanuary 7 – The Nativity of our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ
January 19 – The Baptism of Our Lord and God and Saviour Jesus Christ
February 15 – Meeting of our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ in the Temple
April 7 – The Annunciation of Our Most Holy Lady, the Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mar
August 19 – The Holy Transfiguration of Our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ
August 28 – The Dormition of our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary
September 21 – Nativity of Our Most Holy Lady the Mother of God and Ever Virgin Mar
September 27 – The Universal Elevation of the Precious and Life-Creating Cross of the Lord
December 4 – Entry into the Temple of our Most Holy Lady Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary

Movable Great FeastsApril 28 – Palm Sunday
June 13 – Holy Ascension
June 23 – Pentecost - Trinity Sunday

FeastsJanuary 14 – Circumcision of the Lord
July 7 – The Nativity of the Holy Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord, John
July 12 – The Holy, Glorious and All-Praised Leaders of the Apostles: Peter and Paul
September 11 – The Beheading of the Prophet, Forerunner of the Lord, John the Baptist
October 14 – Protection of Our Most Holy Lady the Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary

Fasting SeasonsMarch 18 - May 4 – Great Lent
July 1 - July 11 – Apostles' (Peter & Paul) Fast
August 14 - August 28 – Dormition (Theotokos) Fast
November 28 - January 6 – Nativity (St. Philip's Fast)

Fast Days The Wednesdays and Fridays of the Year, except for Fast-Free Weeks
January 18 – Kreschensky sochelnik (The Eve of Theophany)
September 11 – The Beheading of St. John the Baptist
September 27 – The Elevation of the Cross

Traditional days of remembranceMarch 9 – Meat-fare Saturday
March 30 – 2-nd Saturday of the Great Lent
April 6 – 3-rd Saturday of the Great Lent
April 13 – 4-th Saturday of the Great Lent
May 14 – Radonitsa (Tuesday of the 2nd week of Pascha)
June 22 – Trinity Saturday
November 2 – Demetrius Saturday

Fast-free WeeksJanuary 7 - January 17 – Sviatki (Afterfeast of the Nativity of Christ to Theophany Eve)
February 24 - March 2 – Publican & Pharisee
March 10 - March 16 – Maslenitsa
May 5 - May 11 – Bright Week
June 23 - June 29 – Trinity Week

Jumat, 25 Januari 2013

Orthodox Shop

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Buku "Kontroversi Maria"
Arkhimandrit Romo Daniel Byantoro, Ph.D
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(Harga diatas belum termasuk ongkos kirim. Pemesanan dapat dilakukan dengan mengirim email ke: gerejaorthodox@yahoo.com atau melalu FB: Seputar GOI)


Sudah banyak dialog Theologis dalam hubungan membahas iman Kristiani, mulai dari pemahaman-pemahaman Keilahian, ibadah, Tradisi (Paradosis) Kudus, kehidupan setelah kematian, bahkan tentang akhir zaman.

Buku ini hendak membahas semua hal itu dalam kaitannya dengan Syahadat Nicea-Konstantinopel yang telah menjadi syahadat Gereja yang diakui universal oleh seluruh jemaat Kristiani.

Buku ini akan banyak membantu umat untuk lebih memahami akidah iman Kristiani. Dengan demikian dapat menjadi pagar bagi mereka dalam menghadapi ajaran-ajaran baru yang bertentangan dengan ajaran para Rasul Kristus.

Harga Buku : Rp 50.000,-

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Kirimkan ke email : yuhana_damsyiqi@yahoo.com

Daily Orthodoxy 25/01/2013

220. Apakah juga dalam Kitab Suci Perjanjian Lama bahwa Yesus Kristus akan bangkit kembali tepat pada hari ketiga?
Nubuatan hal ini telah ditampilkan dalam kisah Nabi Yunus: Dan Yunus tinggal di dalam perut ikan itu tiga hari tiga malam lamanya. [Yun 1:17]

221. Bagaimana diketahui bahwa Yesus Kristus telah bangkit?
Para penjaga yang menjaga kuburanNya mengetahui kegentaran ini karena malaikat Tuhan mengelindingkan batu yang menutupi kuburanNya dan pada saat yang sama terjadi gempa yang dahsyat. Demikian juga para malaikat mengumumkan kebangkitan Kristus kepada Maria Magdalena dan beberapa yang lain. Yesus Kristus Sendiri selama beberapa hari setelah kebangkitanNya menampakkan Diri kepada beberapa orang: Kepada para perempuan yang membawa rempah-rempah, kepada Petrus, kepada 2 murid yang pergi ke Emaus, dan yang terakhir kepada semua rasul didalam sebuah rumah yang pintunya tertutup. Sesudah itu Ia menampakkan Diri kepada mereka selama 40 hari, dan pada suatu hari Ia disaksikan lebih dari 500 umat percaya sekaligus. [1Kor 15:6]

222. Mengapa Yesus Kristus setelah kebangkitanNya menampakkan DiriNya Sendiri kepada Para Rasul selama 40 hari?
Selama waktu itu, Ia melanjutkan mengajarkan kepada mereka misteri-misteri Kerajaan Allah. [Kis 1:3]

Kalender Liturgi Gereja Orthodox Indonesia (Russia)

Kapel Gereja Orthodox Indonesia Paroikia St. Iona Manchuria, Surabaya

Orthodox Calendar Saturday, January 26, 2013 / January 13, 2013 (Church Calendar)

34th Week after Pentecost. Tone eight.
Saturday after the Baptism of Our Lord and God and Saviour Jesus Christ
Venerable Pachomius of Kensk (16th c.) (movable holiday on the Saturday after the Baptism of Our Lord and God and Saviour Jesus Christ).
Afterfeast of the Theophany.
Martyrs Hermylus and Stratonicus at Belgrade (315).
Venerable Irinarch of Rostov (1616).
Venerable Eleazar of Anzersk Island at Solovki (1656).
Martyr Peter of Anium, at Eleutheropolis (1st c.).
Venerable James, bishop of Nisibis (350).
Venerable Maximus of Kapsokalyvia Skete, Mt. Athos (1364) (Greek).
Martyrs Athanasius.
St. Hilary, bishop of Poitiers (369).
Martyrs Pachomius and Papyrinus in Greece (Greek).

The Scripture Readings
Ephesians 2:11-13
Luke 13:18-29
Romans 8:28-39 Epistle, Holy Fathers Slain at Sinai and Raithu
Luke 6:17-23 Gospel, Holy Fathers Slain at Sinai and Raithu
Ephesians 6:10-17 Saturday After
Matthew 4:1-11 Saturday After


Holy Martyrs Hermylus & Stratonicus, Troparion, Tone IV —
In their sufferings, O Lord,/ Thy martyrs received imperishable crowns from Thee our God;/ for, possessed of Thy might,/ they set at nought the tormentors and crushed the feeble audacity of the demons.// By their supplications save Thou our souls.

Holy Fathers Slain at Sinai and Raithu —
O God of our fathers,/ deal with us ever according to Thy meekness./ Deprive us not of Thy mercy,/ but through their supplications// direct our life in peace.

Theophany of our Lord, Troparion, Tone I —
When Thou, O Lord, wast baptized in the Jordan,/ the worship of the Trinity was made manifest;/ for, the voice of the Father bare witness unto Thee,/ calling Thee His beloved Son;/ and the Spirit in the form of a dove/ confirmed the certainty of His word./ O Christ our God, Who hast appeared and enlightened the worlds,// glory be to Thee!

Kontakion of the Venerable Martyrs, Tone II, "Seeking the highest" —
Ye fled from the tumult of the world/ and have found rest in the calm haven,/ crowned with the blood of martyrdom/ and the labors of asceticism.// Wherefore, ye have been shown to dwell together with the martyrs and the venerable.

Kontakion of the Feast, Tone IV —
Thou hast appeared today to the whole world,/ and Thy light, O Lord, hath been signed upon us/ who hymn Thee with understanding./ Thou hast come, Thou hast appeared,/ the Light unapproachable.

May 5 – Great and Holy Pascha

Fixed Great FeastsJanuary 7 – The Nativity of our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ
January 19 – The Baptism of Our Lord and God and Saviour Jesus Christ
February 15 – Meeting of our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ in the Temple
April 7 – The Annunciation of Our Most Holy Lady, the Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mar
August 19 – The Holy Transfiguration of Our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ
August 28 – The Dormition of our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary
September 21 – Nativity of Our Most Holy Lady the Mother of God and Ever Virgin Mar
September 27 – The Universal Elevation of the Precious and Life-Creating Cross of the Lord
December 4 – Entry into the Temple of our Most Holy Lady Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary

Movable Great FeastsApril 28 – Palm Sunday
June 13 – Holy Ascension
June 23 – Pentecost - Trinity Sunday

FeastsJanuary 14 – Circumcision of the Lord
July 7 – The Nativity of the Holy Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord, John
July 12 – The Holy, Glorious and All-Praised Leaders of the Apostles: Peter and Paul
September 11 – The Beheading of the Prophet, Forerunner of the Lord, John the Baptist
October 14 – Protection of Our Most Holy Lady the Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary

Fasting SeasonsMarch 18 - May 4 – Great Lent
July 1 - July 11 – Apostles' (Peter & Paul) Fast
August 14 - August 28 – Dormition (Theotokos) Fast
November 28 - January 6 – Nativity (St. Philip's Fast)

Fast Days The Wednesdays and Fridays of the Year, except for Fast-Free Weeks
January 18 – Kreschensky sochelnik (The Eve of Theophany)
September 11 – The Beheading of St. John the Baptist
September 27 – The Elevation of the Cross

Traditional days of remembranceMarch 9 – Meat-fare Saturday
March 30 – 2-nd Saturday of the Great Lent
April 6 – 3-rd Saturday of the Great Lent
April 13 – 4-th Saturday of the Great Lent
May 14 – Radonitsa (Tuesday of the 2nd week of Pascha)
June 22 – Trinity Saturday
November 2 – Demetrius Saturday

Fast-free WeeksJanuary 7 - January 17 – Sviatki (Afterfeast of the Nativity of Christ to Theophany Eve)
February 24 - March 2 – Publican & Pharisee
March 10 - March 16 – Maslenitsa
May 5 - May 11 – Bright Week
June 23 - June 29 – Trinity Week

Rabu, 23 Januari 2013

Daily Orthodoxy 24/12/2013

217. Dimanakah ditemukan kata yang kita ucapkan dalam Kredo berikutnya “Dan telah bangkit lagi pada hari ketiga sesuai dengan Kitab Suci”?
Perkataan tersebut diletakkan kedalam Kredo menurut pernyataan Surat Rasuli kepada Korintus: Sebab yang sangat penting telah kusampaikan kepadamu, yaitu apa yang telah kuterima sendiri, ialah bahwa Kristus telah mati karena dosa-dosa kita, sesuai dengan Kitab Suci, bahwa Ia telah dikuburkan, dan bahwa Ia telah dibangkitkan, pada hari yang ketiga, sesuai dengan Kitab Suci. [1Kor 15:3-4]

218. Kekuatan apakah yang terkandung dalam kata ini: “sesuai dengan Kitab Suci”?
Oleh karena ini menunjukkan bahwa Yesus Kristus mati dan bangkit kembali, secara tepat tertulis dalam nubuatan Perjanjian Lama.

219. Dimana terdapat tulisan mengenai hal ini?
Dalam pasal 53 kitab Nabi Yesaya, misalnya mengenai penderitaan sengsara dan kematian Yesus Kristus digambarkan dalam banyak cara: Tetapi dia tertikam oleh karena pemberontakan kita, dia diremukkan oleh karena kejahatan kita; ganjaran yang mendatangkan keselamatan bagi kita ditimpakan kepadanya, dan oleh bilur-bilurnya kita menjadi sembuh. [Yes 53:5]

Kalender Liturgi Gereja Orthodox Indonesia (Russia)

Liturgi Natal 2013 Gereja Orthodox Indonesia Paroikia Tritunggal Mahakudus, Solo

Orthodox Calendar Thursday, January 24, 2013 / January 11, 2013 (Church Calendar)

34th Week after Pentecost. Tone eight.
Afterfeast of the Theophany.
Venerable Theodosius the Great, the Cenobiarch (529).
Venerable Michael of Klops Monastery, fool-for-Christ (Novgorod) (1452).
New Hieromartyrs Nicholas, Theodore and Vladimir priests (1919).
St. Vladimir confessor, priest (1932).
Venerable Theodosius of Antioch (412).
"Chernigov-Eletskaya" Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos (1060).
Sts. Theodore and Agapius of Apamea in Syria.
Martyr Mairus.
St. Stephen of Placidian near Constantinople (Greek).
St. Theodosius of Mt. Athos, metropolitan of Trebizond (14th c.) (Greek).
St. Agapius of Apamea in Syria.
Hieromartyr Hyginus, pope of Rome (142) (Celtic & British).
Venerable Romilos the Hermit of Veddin (1375) (Greek).
Venerable Vitalis of the monastery of Abba Serid (Seridos) at Gaza (609-620) (Greek).
St. Joseph of Cappadocia (Greek).

The Scripture Readings

Luke 6:17-23 Matins Gospel
Hebrews 7:1-6
Luke 21:28-33
2 Corinthians 4:6-15 Venerable
Matthew 11:27-30 Venerable


St. Theodosius the Coenobiarch, Troparion, Tone VIII —
With the streams of thy tears thou didst irrigate the barren desert,/ and with sighs from the depths of thy soul thou didst render thy labors fruitful an hundredfold./ Thou wast a beacon for the whole world, radiating miracles.// O our father Theodosius, entreat Christ God that our souls be saved.

Theophany of our Lord, Troparion, Tone I —
When Thou, O Lord, wast baptized in the Jordan,/ the worship of the Trinity was made manifest;/ for, the voice of the Father bare witness unto Thee,/ calling Thee His beloved Son;/ and the Spirit in the form of a dove/ confirmed the certainty of His word./ O Christ our God, Who hast appeared and enlightened the worlds,// glory be to Thee!

Kontakion of the Feast, Tone IV —
Thou hast appeared today to the whole world,/ and Thy light, O Lord, hath been signed upon us/ who hymn Thee with understanding./ Thou hast come, Thou hast appeared,/ the Light unapproachable.

Kontakion to the Venerable One, Tone VIII, "To thee the Champion Leader" —
Planted in the courts of thy Lord, thou didst flourish most beauteously in thy venerable virtues,/ and didst increase in number thy children in the desert,/ watering them with the torrents of thy tears, O godly chief shepherd of the flocks divine.// Wherefore, we cry out: Rejoice, O father Theodosius!

May 5 – Great and Holy Pascha

Fixed Great FeastsJanuary 7 – The Nativity of our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ
January 19 – The Baptism of Our Lord and God and Saviour Jesus Christ
February 15 – Meeting of our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ in the Temple
April 7 – The Annunciation of Our Most Holy Lady, the Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mar
August 19 – The Holy Transfiguration of Our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ
August 28 – The Dormition of our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary
September 21 – Nativity of Our Most Holy Lady the Mother of God and Ever Virgin Mar
September 27 – The Universal Elevation of the Precious and Life-Creating Cross of the Lord
December 4 – Entry into the Temple of our Most Holy Lady Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary

Movable Great FeastsApril 28 – Palm Sunday
June 13 – Holy Ascension
June 23 – Pentecost - Trinity Sunday

FeastsJanuary 14 – Circumcision of the Lord
July 7 – The Nativity of the Holy Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord, John
July 12 – The Holy, Glorious and All-Praised Leaders of the Apostles: Peter and Paul
September 11 – The Beheading of the Prophet, Forerunner of the Lord, John the Baptist
October 14 – Protection of Our Most Holy Lady the Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary

Fasting SeasonsMarch 18 - May 4 – Great Lent
July 1 - July 11 – Apostles' (Peter & Paul) Fast
August 14 - August 28 – Dormition (Theotokos) Fast
November 28 - January 6 – Nativity (St. Philip's Fast)

Fast Days The Wednesdays and Fridays of the Year, except for Fast-Free Weeks
January 18 – Kreschensky sochelnik (The Eve of Theophany)
September 11 – The Beheading of St. John the Baptist
September 27 – The Elevation of the Cross

Traditional days of remembranceMarch 9 – Meat-fare Saturday
March 30 – 2-nd Saturday of the Great Lent
April 6 – 3-rd Saturday of the Great Lent
April 13 – 4-th Saturday of the Great Lent
May 14 – Radonitsa (Tuesday of the 2nd week of Pascha)
June 22 – Trinity Saturday
November 2 – Demetrius Saturday

Fast-free WeeksJanuary 7 - January 17 – Sviatki (Afterfeast of the Nativity of Christ to Theophany Eve)
February 24 - March 2 – Publican & Pharisee
March 10 - March 16 – Maslenitsa
May 5 - May 11 – Bright Week
June 23 - June 29 – Trinity Week

Sabtu, 19 Januari 2013

Liturgi Natal Gereja Orthodox Indonesia Tri Tunggal Maha Kudus Solo

(sumber: Romo Dn Damaskinos Arya)

Perayaan Natal Gereja Orthodox Indonesia St Sergios Radonezh

(sumber: Romo Dn Damaskinos Arya)

Liturgi Natal Gereja Orthodox Indonesia St.Iona Machuria Surabaya

Liturgi Natal pada tanggal 6 Januari 2013 di Gereja Orthodox Indonesia St.Iona Machuria dipimpin oleh Romo Kirill JSL dan dihadiri juga oleh jemaat beberapa gereja di Surabaya

(sumber foto: Arethas Wahyu Sutrisno)

Daily Orthodoxy 20/01/2013

213. Bagaimana kita memikirkan kondisi Yesus Kristus setelah kematianNya dan sebelum kebangkitanNya?
Hal ini digambarkan oleh Kidung Gerejawi: Didalam kubur secara daging, dalam Hades secara roh, sebagai Allah di Firdaus bersama-sama dengan si pencuri, dan diatas Takhta, Oh Kristus, bersama dengan Sang Bapa dan Sang Roh Kudus, memenuhi segala sesuatu, Engkau yang tak dapat dibatasi.

214. Apakah yang dimaksud dengan Hades (Neraka)?
Hades adalah kata Yunani yang artinya suatu tempat yang hampa cahaya. Dalam keTuhanan, sebutan itu dipahami sebagai suatu penjara rohani, suatu kondisi bagi roh-roh yang terpisah oleh dosa dari pandangan wajah Allah dan dari cahaya dan kepenuhan berkat yang dianugerahkan. [Yud 1:6][Octoich.Tom.V.Sticher.II.4]

215. Mengapa Yesus Kristus turun ke Neraka?
Untuk mengakhiri keberadaanNya disana dan mengumandangkan kemenanganNya atas kematian, serta melepaskan roh-roh yang telah menunggu kedatanganNya dengan iman.

Kalender Liturgi Gereja Orthodox Indonesia (Russia)

Orthodox Calendar Sunday, January 20, 2013 / January 7, 2013 (Church Calendar)

33rd Sunday after Pentecost. Tone eight.
Sunday after the Baptism of Our Lord and God and Saviour Jesus Christ
Afterfeast of the Theophany.
Synaxis of the Holy Glorious Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist, John.
Martyr Paphnutius (1938).
New Hieromartyr Basil, priest (1939).
Martyr John (1940).
Martyr John (1942).
New Martyr Athanasius of Attalia and Smyrna (1700) (Greek).
St. Cedd, bishop of Lastingham (664) (Celtic & British).
St. Brannock (Brynach) of Braunton (6th c.) (Celtic & British).
St. Kentigerna, hermitess of Loch Lomond.

The Scripture Readings

John 21:15-25 (11th Matins Gospel)
Ephesians 4:7-13 Sunday After
Matthew 4:12-17 Sunday After
Acts 19:1-8 Forerunner
John 1:29-34 Forerunner

Troparion of the Sunday, Tone VIII —
Thou didst descend from on high, O Merciful One! / Thou didst accept the three-day burial to free us from our sufferings! / O Lord, our Life and Resurrection: glory to Thee!

Hymn to the Theotokos, Tone VIII —
For our sake Thou wast born of the Virgin / and did endure crucifixion, O Good One, / destroying death by death. / Revealing the resurrection as God, / do not despise the work of Thy hand. / Reveal Thy love for man, O merciful One, / and accept the Theotokos praying for us, / and save the despairing people, O Savior.

Kontakion of the Sunday, Tone VIII —
By rising from the tomb, Thou didst raise the dead and resurrect Adam. / Eve exults in Thy Resurrection, / and the world celebrates Thy rising from the dead, O greatly Merciful One!

Synaxis of St. John the Baptist, Troparion, Tone II —
The memory of the righteous is celebrated with hymns of praise, but the Lord's testimony is sufficient for thee, O forerunner. Thou wast truly shown to be more honorable than the prophets, in that thou wast counted worthy to baptize in the streams Him Whom thou didst proclaim. Wherefore, having suffered, rejoicing, for the truth, even unto those in hades didst thou proclaim God, Who had manifested Himself in the flesh, Who taketh away the sin of the world, and granteth us great mercy.

Theophany of our Lord, Troparion, Tone I —
When Thou, O Lord, wast baptized in the Jordan,/ the worship of the Trinity was made manifest;/ for, the voice of the Father bare witness unto Thee,/ calling Thee His beloved Son;/ and the Spirit in the form of a dove/ confirmed the certainty of His word./ O Christ our God, Who hast appeared and enlightened the worlds,// glory be to Thee!

Kontakion of the Feast, Tone IV —
Thou hast appeared today to the whole world,/ and Thy light, O Lord, hath been signed upon us/ who hymn Thee with understanding./ Thou hast come, Thou hast appeared,/ the Light unapproachable.

Kontakion of the Forerunner, Tone VI —
Stricken with awe by Thy coming in the flesh, the Jordan turned back in fear; and John, fulfilling the prophetic ministry, shrank back with trembling. The ranks of the angels were amazed, beholding Thee baptized in the flesh in the streams, and all who were in darkness were enlightened, hymning Thee Who hast appeared and illumined all things.

May 5 – Great and Holy Pascha

Fixed Great FeastsJanuary 7 – The Nativity of our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ
January 19 – The Baptism of Our Lord and God and Saviour Jesus Christ
February 15 – Meeting of our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ in the Temple
April 7 – The Annunciation of Our Most Holy Lady, the Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mar
August 19 – The Holy Transfiguration of Our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ
August 28 – The Dormition of our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary
September 21 – Nativity of Our Most Holy Lady the Mother of God and Ever Virgin Mar
September 27 – The Universal Elevation of the Precious and Life-Creating Cross of the Lord
December 4 – Entry into the Temple of our Most Holy Lady Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary

Movable Great FeastsApril 28 – Palm Sunday
June 13 – Holy Ascension
June 23 – Pentecost - Trinity Sunday

FeastsJanuary 14 – Circumcision of the Lord
July 7 – The Nativity of the Holy Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord, John
July 12 – The Holy, Glorious and All-Praised Leaders of the Apostles: Peter and Paul
September 11 – The Beheading of the Prophet, Forerunner of the Lord, John the Baptist
October 14 – Protection of Our Most Holy Lady the Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary

Fasting SeasonsMarch 18 - May 4 – Great Lent
July 1 - July 11 – Apostles' (Peter & Paul) Fast
August 14 - August 28 – Dormition (Theotokos) Fast
November 28 - January 6 – Nativity (St. Philip's Fast)

Fast Days The Wednesdays and Fridays of the Year, except for Fast-Free Weeks
January 18 – Kreschensky sochelnik (The Eve of Theophany)
September 11 – The Beheading of St. John the Baptist
September 27 – The Elevation of the Cross

Traditional days of remembranceMarch 9 – Meat-fare Saturday
March 30 – 2-nd Saturday of the Great Lent
April 6 – 3-rd Saturday of the Great Lent
April 13 – 4-th Saturday of the Great Lent
May 14 – Radonitsa (Tuesday of the 2nd week of Pascha)
June 22 – Trinity Saturday
November 2 – Demetrius Saturday

Fast-free WeeksJanuary 7 - January 17 – Sviatki (Afterfeast of the Nativity of Christ to Theophany Eve)
February 24 - March 2 – Publican & Pharisee
March 10 - March 16 – Maslenitsa
May 5 - May 11 – Bright Week
June 23 - June 29 – Trinity Week

Jumat, 18 Januari 2013

Liturgi Suci Peringatan Ephifani

Shalom Aleikhem be shem ha-Massiah

Maha Besar Allah Kita, Aghios Triados yang melimpahkan segala Rahmat-Nya pada kita.
Warta Gereja :
Liturgi Suci Peringatan Ephifani tahun ini akan diselenggarakan pada :
Hari/Tanggal : Sabtu, 19 Januari 2013
Jam : 08.00 WIB (Liturgi Suci dan Pemberkatan Air)
Tempat : Kapel gereja Orthodox Indonesia, St. Iona (Yunus) dari manchuria Surabaya, Jl. Dharmahusada Indah Selatan IV/37, Blok D-126 Surabaya
Mengharap kehadiran Umat Orthodox, Para Katekumen dan Simpatisan pada Ibadah Peringatan Ephifani ini.

Ephifani (Rusia: Крещение) adalah perayaan pembaptisan Almasih (Kristus) atau pernyataan/penampakan (Tajjali) ke-Tritunggalan Allah didalam Wahyu kepada Kristus.Peringatan ini jatuh pada 12 hari setelah Natal (Untuk Kalender masehi jatuh pada tanggal 19 januari). Saat Baptisan terjadi, turunlah Roh Kudus (dilambangkan dengan turunnya merpati yang menghinggapi Yesus... dan Suara dari langit yang terbuka(perwujudan Sang Bapa, Allah Sang Khalik). Langit merupakan lambing Dzat hakekat Allah Sang Bapa yang Kekal, dan Roh Allah keluar dari Sang Bapa (Yoh 15;26).
Hal lain yang penting dari pesta peringatan ini adalah pada peristiwa Ephifani rencana keselamatan oleh penebus alam semesta digambarkan melalui masuknya Almasih (Yesus) ke dalam air sungai Yordan. Karena air adalah asal semesta (2 Pet 3:5), sehingga dengan masuk ke dalam air, DIA mengadakan penyucian semesta melalui asalnya kehidupan yaitu AIR. Itulah sebabnya sejak jaman gereja mula-mula ada ritual pembuatan air suci atau penyudian air saat perayaan Ephifani ini.
Perayaan Ephifani ini dirayakan dengan sangat meriah sejak jaman kekristenan perdana terutama oleh Kekristenan Timur diseluruh dunia, melebihi peringatan Natal. Di Negara-negara Eropa Timur, sia kecil dan timur tengah, pemerintah menghadiahkan liburan Ephifani Pada Epiphany, gereja mula-mula menyucikan air dari sumber alami, seperti mata air. Biasanya saat peringatan ini diulakukan pembaptisan besar-besaran untuk para umat baru. Sebagian penganut Kekristenan timur juga memiliki tradisi lama untuk membawa pulang air suci ini, yang diyakini memiliki sifat suci dan sanggup menyembuhkan. Bahkan di negara2 timur tengah dan eropa timur msh didapati tradisi umat biasanya berebutan mendapatkan air suci ini (Mirip dengan tumpeng gunungan dalam tradisi jawa). Air dimanapun seakan menjadi hal yang penting saat perayaan ini, karena dalam ritual ini, semua air di dunia diberkati hari ini dan dijiwai dengan Kuasa yang agung. Para Imam juga biasanya memberkati tempat-tempat dimana terdapat air, seperti danau atau sungai. Bahkan di daerah2 bersalju masyarakat setempat memotong lubang di es danau dan sungai, seringkali dalam bentuk salib, untuk mandi di air dingin. Para Umat yang turut dalam ritual itu dapat mencelupkan diri tiga kali di dalam air sebagai symbol menghormati Tritunggal Kudus. Secara simbolis diyakini membasuh dosa-dosa mereka dari tahun lalu, dan mengalami rasa spiritual kelahiran kembali.
Di bagian lain, ribuan umat melompat ke sungai dan danau es di seluruh Eropa timur pada hari Ephifani ini untuk mengambil salib. Para umat juga meyakini dengan berhasil mendapatkan Salib yang ditaruh di dalam sungai ini seperti dibebaskan dari roh-roh jahat. Negara-negara yang sangat meriah merayakan Hari Ephifani ini adalah Rusia, Mesir, Suriah, Libanon, India, Ukraina, Serbia, Rumania, Turki dll yang notabene merupakan Negara-negara dengan jumlah mayoritas penganut Kristen Timur.

Untuk Informasi lengkap, bisa contact Imam Gereja : Presbyter Rm Kyrillos Junan SL (081931619599) atau Sdr. Daniel Iona (08563084702).

Untuk Parokia Lain :
Solo : GOI Tritunggal Mahakudus, Jl. pajajaran Timur IV, Kel. Sumber, Kec. Banjarsari, akan diadakan Jumat Petang, tgl 18 Januari 2013, Jam : 18.00 WIB

Selamat merayakan Ephifani bagi seluruh Umat Gereja Orthodox Indonesia dan seluruh dunia yang menggunakan kalender lama Julian. bagi seluruh Parokia Gereja Orthodox Indonesia di medan, Jakarta, Boyolali, Salatiga, Solo, Malang, Mojokerto, Gresik, Manado, Singaraja-bali, Manado, Jayapura-Papua serta seluruh komunitas-komunitas Orthodox lainnya. Kiranya Berkat dari Pembaptisan Kristus bersama kita

We Aleikhem Shalom be shem ha-Massiah

(sumber: page Gereja Orthodox Surabaya)

Kamis, 17 Januari 2013

Daily Orthodoxy 18/01/2013

210. Bagaimana kita dapat bersekutu dalam penderitaan dan kematian Yesus Kristus?
Kita memiliki persekutuan dalam penderitaan dan kematian Yesus Kristus melalui kehidupan dan kesungguhan iman, melalui Sakramen-Sakramen yang mana mengandung dan dimeteraikan oleh simpanan kebajikan dari penderitaan dan kematianNya, serta juga melalui penyaliban daging kita bersama hawa nafsu dan keinginannya.

Sebab aku telah mati oleh hukum Taurat untuk hukum Taurat, supaya aku hidup untuk Allah. Aku telah disalibkan dengan Kristus; namun aku hidup, tetapi bukan lagi aku sendiri yang hidup, melainkan Kristus yang hidup di dalam aku. Dan hidupku yang kuhidupi sekarang di dalam daging, adalah hidup oleh iman dalam Anak Allah yang telah mengasihi aku dan menyerahkan diri-Nya untuk aku. [Gal 2:19-20]

Atau tidak tahukah kamu, bahwa kita semua yang telah dibaptis dalam Kristus, telah dibaptis dalam kematian-Nya? [Rm 6:3]

Sebab setiap kali kamu makan roti ini dan minum cawan ini, kamu memberitakan kematian Tuhan sampai Ia datang. [1Kor 6:3]

Barangsiapa menjadi milik Kristus Yesus, ia telah menyalibkan daging dengan segala hawa nafsu dan keinginannya. [Gal 5:24]

211. Bagaimana kita dapat menyalibkan daging dengan hawa nafsu dan keinginannya?
Dengan mengekang hawa nafsu dan keinginan, serta melakukan hal-hal yang bertentangan dengan hal itu. Misalnya, ketika kemarahan mendesak kita untuk mencerca seorang musuh dan untuk menyakitinya maka kita menahan hasrat itu dan mengingat bagaimana Yesus Kristus diatas salib berdoa bagi musuh-musuhNya, demikian juga kita berdoa bagi mereka, dengan demikian kita telah menyalibkan keinginan untuk marah.

212. Apakah bukti pertama yang secara sungguh-sungguh diberikan Yesus Kristus bahwa kesengsaraan dan kematianNya membawa keselamatan bagi manusia?
Bahwa Ia bangkit kembali dengan demikian meletakkan dasar bagi kebangkitan kita yang terberkati.

Kalender Liturgi Gereja Orthodox Indonesia (Russia)

Orthodox Calendar Friday, January 18, 2013 / January 5, 2013 (Church Calendar)

33rd Week after Pentecost. Tone seven.
Fast. Food with Oil
Eve of the Theophany (Kreshchenskyi Sochelnik).
Fast Day.
Martyrs Theopemptus, bishop of Nicomedia, and Theonas (303).
Venerable Syncletica of Alexandria (350).
New Hieromartyr Joseph and with him 37 Martyrs (1921).
Virgin-martyr Eugenia (1933).
New Hieromartyr Sergius priest (1934).
Martyr Matthew (1938).
Venerable Symeon of the Pskov Caves (1960).
Prophet Micah (9th c. B.C.).
Venerable Apollinaris of Egypt (470).
Sts. Phosterius the Hermit and Menas of Sinai (6th c.).
Venerable Gregory of Crete, monk (820).
Martyr Theoidus.
Martyr Sais.
St. Tatiana.
New Monk-martyr Romanus of Carpenision, who suffered at Constantinople(1694).
New Hieromartyr Romanus of Lacedaemonia (1695).
St. Menas of Sinai (6th c.).
Translation of the relicts of St. Rumon, bishop, to Tavistock.

The Scripture Readings

Acts 13:25-33 Royal Hours: 1st Hour
Matthew 3:1-11 Royal Hours: 1st Hour
Acts 19:1-8 Royal Hours: 3rd Hour
Mark 1:1-8 Royal Hours: 3rd Hour
Romans 6:3-11 Royal Hours: 6th Hour
Mark 1:9-15 Royal Hours: 6th Hour
Titus 2:11-14; 3:4-7 Royal Hours: 9th Hour
Matthew 3:13-17 Royal Hours: 9th Hour
1 Corinthians 9:19-27
Luke 3:1-18
1 Corinthians 10:1-4 Blessing of Waters, Epistle
Mark 1:9-11 Blessing of Waters, Gospel

May 5 – Great and Holy Pascha

Fixed Great FeastsJanuary 7 – The Nativity of our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ
January 19 – The Baptism of Our Lord and God and Saviour Jesus Christ
February 15 – Meeting of our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ in the Temple
April 7 – The Annunciation of Our Most Holy Lady, the Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mar
August 19 – The Holy Transfiguration of Our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ
August 28 – The Dormition of our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary
September 21 – Nativity of Our Most Holy Lady the Mother of God and Ever Virgin Mar
September 27 – The Universal Elevation of the Precious and Life-Creating Cross of the Lord
December 4 – Entry into the Temple of our Most Holy Lady Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary

Movable Great FeastsApril 28 – Palm Sunday
June 13 – Holy Ascension
June 23 – Pentecost - Trinity Sunday

FeastsJanuary 14 – Circumcision of the Lord
July 7 – The Nativity of the Holy Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord, John
July 12 – The Holy, Glorious and All-Praised Leaders of the Apostles: Peter and Paul
September 11 – The Beheading of the Prophet, Forerunner of the Lord, John the Baptist
October 14 – Protection of Our Most Holy Lady the Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary

Fasting SeasonsMarch 18 - May 4 – Great Lent
July 1 - July 11 – Apostles' (Peter & Paul) Fast
August 14 - August 28 – Dormition (Theotokos) Fast
November 28 - January 6 – Nativity (St. Philip's Fast)

Fast Days The Wednesdays and Fridays of the Year, except for Fast-Free Weeks
January 18 – Kreschensky sochelnik (The Eve of Theophany)
September 11 – The Beheading of St. John the Baptist
September 27 – The Elevation of the Cross

Traditional days of remembranceMarch 9 – Meat-fare Saturday
March 30 – 2-nd Saturday of the Great Lent
April 6 – 3-rd Saturday of the Great Lent
April 13 – 4-th Saturday of the Great Lent
May 14 – Radonitsa (Tuesday of the 2nd week of Pascha)
June 22 – Trinity Saturday
November 2 – Demetrius Saturday

Fast-free WeeksJanuary 7 - January 17 – Sviatki (Afterfeast of the Nativity of Christ to Theophany Eve)
February 24 - March 2 – Publican & Pharisee
March 10 - March 16 – Maslenitsa
May 5 - May 11 – Bright Week
June 23 - June 29 – Trinity Week

Selasa, 15 Januari 2013

Daily Orthodoxy 15/01/2013

207. Bagaimana Kitab Suci berbicara mengenai pelepasan hal-hal ini?
Pelepasan dari dosa: Sebab di dalam Dia dan oleh darah-Nya kita beroleh penebusan, yaitu pengampunan dosa, menurut kekayaan kasih karunia-Nya. [Ef 1:7]

Pelepasan dari kutuk: Kristus telah menebus kita dari kutuk hukum Taurat dengan jalan menjadi kutuk karena kita. [Gal 3:13]

Pelepasan dari kematian: Karena anak-anak itu adalah anak-anak dari darah dan daging, maka Ia juga menjadi sama dengan mereka dan mendapat bagian dalam keadaan mereka, supaya oleh kematian-Nya Ia memusnahkan dia, yaitu Iblis, yang berkuasa atas maut; dan supaya dengan jalan demikian Ia membebaskan mereka yang seumur hidupnya berada dalam perhambaan oleh karena takutnya kepada maut. [Ibr 2:14-15]

208. Bagaimana bisa bahwa kematian Yesus Kristus diatas salib melepaskan kita dari dosa, kutuk, dan kematian?
Bahwa Sabda Allah mengajarkan kepada kita mengenai hal itu sehingga kita dimampukan untuk menerima dan percaya dalam misteri ini, oleh perbandingan Yesus Kristus dengan Adam. Adam secara alamiah adalah kepala dari umat manusia, yang mana segala keturunan alamiah berasal darinya. Yesus Kristus, yang adalah Hipostasis Allah bersatu dengan kemanusiaan sehingga membuat DiriNya sebagai Kepala baru umat manusia Yang Perkasa, yang bersatu denganNya melalui iman. Sehingga sebagaimana Adam telah jatuh dibawah dosa, kutuk, dan kematian, demikian juga kita dilepaskan dari dosa, kutuk, dan kematian dalam Yesus Kristus. KerelaanNya menderita sengsara dan mati diatas salib bagi kita menjadi nilai yang tak terbatas dan bermanfaat sebagai kematian dari seorang yang tanpa dosa, Allah dan manusia dalam satu orang, yang adalah pelunasan sempurna bagi keadilan Allah yang menghukum kita atas dosa kita kepada kematian. Sebuah simpanan kebajikan yang tak terbatas yang mana diperoleh dari kebenaranNya, tanpa prasangka terhadap keadilan, untuk memberikan kepada kita para pendosa pengampunan dosa-dosa kita dan rahmat untuk menang atas dosa dan kematian.

Yaitu rahasia yang tersembunyi dari abad ke abad dan dari turunan ke turunan, tetapi yang sekarang dinyatakan kepada orang-orang kudus-Nya. Kepada mereka Allah mau memberitahukan, betapa kaya dan mulianya rahasia itu di antara bangsa-bangsa lain, yaitu: Kristus ada di tengah-tengah kamu, Kristus yang adalah pengharapan akan kemuliaan! [Kol 1:26-27]

Sebab, jika oleh dosa satu orang, maut telah berkuasa oleh satu orang itu, maka lebih benar lagi mereka, yang telah menerima kelimpahan kasih karunia dan anugerah kebenaran, akan hidup dan berkuasa oleh karena satu orang itu, yaitu Yesus Kristus. [Rm 5:17]

Demikianlah sekarang tidak ada penghukuman bagi mereka yang ada di dalam Kristus Yesus. Roh, yang memberi hidup telah memerdekakan kamu dalam Kristus dari hukum dosa dan hukum maut. Sebab apa yang tidak mungkin dilakukan hukum Taurat karena tak berdaya oleh daging, telah dilakukan oleh Allah. Dengan jalan mengutus Anak-Nya sendiri dalam daging, yang serupa dengan daging yang dikuasai dosa karena dosa, Ia telah menjatuhkan hukuman atas dosa di dalam daging, supaya tuntutan hukum Taurat digenapi di dalam kita, yang tidak hidup menurut daging, tetapi menurut Roh. [Rm 8:1-4]

209. Apakah kesengsaraan Yesus Kristus secara seksama diperuntukkan bagi kita semua?
Dia mempersembahkan DiriNya Sendiri sebagai korban bagi semua, menghasilkan rahmat dan keselamatan bagi semua. Namun kebaikan ini hanya bagi mereka yang dalam bagiannya oleh kehendak bebas mengenal Dia dan kuasa kebangkitan-Nya dan persekutuan dalam penderitaan-Nya. [Flp 3:10]

Kalender Liturgi Gereja Orthodox Indonesia (Russia)

Orthodox Calendar Wednesday, January 16, 2013 / January 3, 2013 (Church Calendar)

33rd Week after Pentecost. Tone seven.
Sviatki. Fast-free
Forefeast of the Theophany.
Prophet Malachias (400 B.C.).
Martyr Gordius at Caesarea in Cappadocia (314).
St. Genevieve of Paris (502).
Venerable Abelard, abbot.
Finding of the relics of New Monk-martyr Ephraim of Nea Makri, in 1950 (Greek).
St. Peter of Atroa (837).
St. Thomais of Lesbos (10th c.).
Venerable Euthymius (Taqaishvili) the Man of God of Tbilisi (1953).
St. Findlugan of Islay (7th c.) (Celtic & British).

The Scripture Readings

1 Peter 4:1-11
Mark 12:28-37
2 Timothy 2:1-10 Martyr
Matthew 10:16-22 Martyr


Holy Martyr Gordius, Troparion, Tone IV —
In his suffering, O Lord,/ Thy martyr Gordius received an imperishable crown from Thee our God;/ for, possessed of Thy might,/ he set at nought the tormentors and crushed the feeble audacity of the demons.// By his supplications save Thou our souls.

Forefeast of the Theophany, Troparion, Tone IV —
Make ready, O Zebulon!/ Adorn thyself, O Nephthali!/ O River Jordan, leaping up,/ receive thou the Master Who cometh to be Baptized!/ Rejoice, O Adam, with our first mother!/ Hide not yourselves as ye did before in paradise;/ for He that beheld you naked hath appeared,/ that He may clothe you in your primal raiment.// Christ hath appeared, desiring to make all creation new!

Kontakion of the Prophet Malachias, Tone IV, "Thou hast appeared" —
Enriched by the gift of prophecy, O prophet,/ thou didst manifestly proclaim salvation to the world and the advent of Christ,// by Whose radiance the world hath been illumined.

Kontakion of the Martyr, Tone VIII, "As firstfruits" —
The drops of thy sweat have watered the whole earth, O all-glorious Gordius,/ and thou hast gladdened the whole world with thy precious blood./ By thy supplications, O divinely wise one, save all who hymn and bless thee with faith,// crying out a worthy hymn to thee, O most lauded one, as a great athlete.

Kontakion of the Forefeast, Tone IV, "Thou hast appeared today" —
In the streams of the Jordan the Lord crieth out to John today:/ Fear not to baptize Me,// for I have come to save Adam the first-created!

May 5 – Great and Holy Pascha

Fixed Great FeastsJanuary 7 – The Nativity of our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ
January 19 – The Baptism of Our Lord and God and Saviour Jesus Christ
February 15 – Meeting of our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ in the Temple
April 7 – The Annunciation of Our Most Holy Lady, the Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mar
August 19 – The Holy Transfiguration of Our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ
August 28 – The Dormition of our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary
September 21 – Nativity of Our Most Holy Lady the Mother of God and Ever Virgin Mar
September 27 – The Universal Elevation of the Precious and Life-Creating Cross of the Lord
December 4 – Entry into the Temple of our Most Holy Lady Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary

Movable Great FeastsApril 28 – Palm Sunday
June 13 – Holy Ascension
June 23 – Pentecost - Trinity Sunday

FeastsJanuary 14 – Circumcision of the Lord
July 7 – The Nativity of the Holy Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord, John
July 12 – The Holy, Glorious and All-Praised Leaders of the Apostles: Peter and Paul
September 11 – The Beheading of the Prophet, Forerunner of the Lord, John the Baptist
October 14 – Protection of Our Most Holy Lady the Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary

Fasting SeasonsMarch 18 - May 4 – Great Lent
July 1 - July 11 – Apostles' (Peter & Paul) Fast
August 14 - August 28 – Dormition (Theotokos) Fast
November 28 - January 6 – Nativity (St. Philip's Fast)

Fast Days The Wednesdays and Fridays of the Year, except for Fast-Free Weeks
January 18 – Kreschensky sochelnik (The Eve of Theophany)
September 11 – The Beheading of St. John the Baptist
September 27 – The Elevation of the Cross

Traditional days of remembranceMarch 9 – Meat-fare Saturday
March 30 – 2-nd Saturday of the Great Lent
April 6 – 3-rd Saturday of the Great Lent
April 13 – 4-th Saturday of the Great Lent
May 14 – Radonitsa (Tuesday of the 2nd week of Pascha)
June 22 – Trinity Saturday
November 2 – Demetrius Saturday

Fast-free WeeksJanuary 7 - January 17 – Sviatki (Afterfeast of the Nativity of Christ to Theophany Eve)
February 24 - March 2 – Publican & Pharisee
March 10 - March 16 – Maslenitsa
May 5 - May 11 – Bright Week
June 23 - June 29 – Trinity Week

Jumat, 11 Januari 2013

Daily Orthodoxy 11/01/2013

204. Mengapa juga disebutkan bahwa Ia dikuburkan?
Hal ini untuk meyakinkan kita bahwa Dia sunguh-sunguh telah mati dan bangkit kembali sebab musuh-musuhNya bahkan telah menjaga dan memeteraikan kuburNya.

205. Bagaimana bisa Yesus Kristus menderita sengsara dan mati kalau Ia adalah Allah?
Kesengsaraan dan kematianNya bukan dalam HipostasisNya namun dalam kemanusiaanNya, dan hal ini bukan karena Ia tidak dapat menghindarinya namun karena Ia mengizinkan kesengsaraan itu terjadi.

Ia sendiri telah berkata: Bapa mengasihi Aku, oleh karena Aku memberikan nyawa-Ku untuk menerimanya kembali. Tidak seorangpun mengambilnya dari pada-Ku, melainkan Aku memberikannya menurut kehendak-Ku sendiri. Aku berkuasa memberikannya dan berkuasa mengambilnya kembali. Inilah tugas yang Kuterima dari Bapa-Ku. [Yoh 10:17-18]

206. Dalam hal apa dikatakan bahwa Yesus Kristus telah disalibkan bagi kita?
Dalam hal ini: Bahwa dia oleh kematianNya diatas salib telah melepaskan kita dari dosa, kutuk, dan kematian.

Kalender Liturgi Gereja Orthodox Indonesia (Russia) 12/01/2013

Orthodox Calendar Saturday, January 12, 2013 / December 30, 2012 (Church Calendar)

32nd Week after Pentecost. Tone six.
Sviatki. Fast-free
Saturday after the Nativity and before the Baptism of Our Lord and God and Saviour Jesus Christ
Afterfeast of the Nativity of Christ.
St. Macarius, metropolitan of Moscow (1563).
Virgin-martyr Anysia at Thessalonica (298).
Martyr Zoticus of Constantinople, feeder of orphans (4th c.).
New Hieromartyr Priest Sergius Florinsky of Rakvere, Estonia (1918).
Virgin-martyr Mary (1946).
Apostle Timon the Deacon (1st c.).
Martyr Philoterus of Nicomedia, and with him six soldiers and one count (311).
Venerable Theodora, nun of Caesarea in Cappadocia (8th cen.).
Venerable Theodora, nun, of Constantinople (940).
New Martyr Gideon of Karakallou, Mt. Athos (1818) (Greek).
Martyrs Magistrianus, Paulinus, Umbrius, Verus, Severus, Callistratus, Florentius, Arianus, Anthimus, Ubricius, Isidore, Euculus, Sampson, Studius, and Thespesius, who suffered under Julian the Apostate (4th c.).
Opening of the relics (1652) of Venerable Daniel of Pereyaslavl (1540).
St. Egwin, bishop of Worcester (717) (Celtic & British).
St. Tryphon, bishop of Rostov (1468).
St. Leo the Archimandrite (Greek).
St. Isaacius of Dalmaton (Greek).

The Scripture Readings

1 Timothy 6:11-16 Saturday After the Nativity
Matthew 12:15-21 Saturday After the Nativity
1 Timothy 3:14-4:5 Saturday Before the Baptism
Matthew 3:1-11 Saturday Before the Baptism
Hebrews 7:26-8:2 St. Macarius
John 10:9-16 St. Macarius


Troparion of Anysia & Melania, in Tone IV —
Having righteously accomplished the path of virtue,/ thou wast betrothed to God the Word, O revered Anysia, and thou didst contest rejoicingly. And as one made illustrious by the light of dispassion, O Melania, thou didst shine forth with the rays of virtue upon the world. And now ye both beseech Christ the Lord that He be gracious unto us.

Kontakion of Anysia & Melania, in Tone III —
Like a lamp of two lights, verily ye shine upon the Church of Christ with a mystical radiance. O Anysia, thou didst bring forth fruit a hundredfold in martyric contest, and thou, O Melania, didst shine forth in asceticism. Wherefore, ye were deemed worthy of the incorruptible and blessed life.

Troparion of the Feast, Tone IV —
Thy nativity, O Christ our God,/ hath shone forth the light of knowledge upon the world;/ for therein those who worship the stars/ have been taught by a star to worship Thee,/ the Sun of righteousness,/ and to know Thee the Orient from on high.// O Lord, glory be to Thee!

Kontakion of the Feast, Tone III —
Today the Virgin giveth birth unto the Transcendent One,/ and the earth offereth a cave to the unapproachable One./ Angels and shepherds give glory,/ the magi journey with the star.// For unto us a Child is born, the preeternal God.

May 5 – Great and Holy Pascha

Fixed Great FeastsJanuary 7 – The Nativity of our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ
January 19 – The Baptism of Our Lord and God and Saviour Jesus Christ
February 15 – Meeting of our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ in the Temple
April 7 – The Annunciation of Our Most Holy Lady, the Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mar
August 19 – The Holy Transfiguration of Our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ
August 28 – The Dormition of our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary
September 21 – Nativity of Our Most Holy Lady the Mother of God and Ever Virgin Mar
September 27 – The Universal Elevation of the Precious and Life-Creating Cross of the Lord
December 4 – Entry into the Temple of our Most Holy Lady Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary

Movable Great FeastsApril 28 – Palm Sunday
June 13 – Holy Ascension
June 23 – Pentecost - Trinity Sunday

FeastsJanuary 14 – Circumcision of the Lord
July 7 – The Nativity of the Holy Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord, John
July 12 – The Holy, Glorious and All-Praised Leaders of the Apostles: Peter and Paul
September 11 – The Beheading of the Prophet, Forerunner of the Lord, John the Baptist
October 14 – Protection of Our Most Holy Lady the Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary

Fasting SeasonsMarch 18 - May 4 – Great Lent
July 1 - July 11 – Apostles' (Peter & Paul) Fast
August 14 - August 28 – Dormition (Theotokos) Fast
November 28 - January 6 – Nativity (St. Philip's Fast)

Fast Days The Wednesdays and Fridays of the Year, except for Fast-Free Weeks
January 18 – Kreschensky sochelnik (The Eve of Theophany)
September 11 – The Beheading of St. John the Baptist
September 27 – The Elevation of the Cross

Traditional days of remembranceMarch 9 – Meat-fare Saturday
March 30 – 2-nd Saturday of the Great Lent
April 6 – 3-rd Saturday of the Great Lent
April 13 – 4-th Saturday of the Great Lent
May 14 – Radonitsa (Tuesday of the 2nd week of Pascha)
June 22 – Trinity Saturday
November 2 – Demetrius Saturday

Fast-free WeeksJanuary 7 - January 17 – Sviatki (Afterfeast of the Nativity of Christ to Theophany Eve)
February 24 - March 2 – Publican & Pharisee
March 10 - March 16 – Maslenitsa
May 5 - May 11 – Bright Week
June 23 - June 29 – Trinity Week

Sabtu, 05 Januari 2013

Daily Orthodoxy 05/01/2013

201. Siapakah Pontius Pilatus itu?
Gubernur Romawi pada daerah Yudea, yang mana menjadi pokok bagi bangsa Romawi.

202. Mengapa dalam keadaan tersebut layak untuk diucapkan?
Karena didalam hal itu kita dapat melihat kegenapan nubuat Yakub: Tongkat kerajaan tidak akan beranjak dari Yehuda ataupun lambang pemerintahan dari antara kakinya, sampai dia datang yang berhak atasnya, maka kepadanya akan takluk bangsa-bangsa. [Kej 49:10].

203. Mengapa tidak hanya dikatakan dalam Kredo bahwa Yesus Kristus disalibkan namun juga ditambahkan bahwa Ia menderita sengsara?
Untuk menunjukkan bahwa penyalibanNya tidak hanya suatu yang seakan-akan kesengsaraan dan kematian sebagaimana dikatakan oleh para bidat, namun merupakan kesengsaraan dan kematian yang sungguh-sungguh.

Kalender Liturgi Gereja Orthodox Indonesia (Russia)

Orthodox Calendar Saturday, January 5, 2013 / December 23, 2012 (Church Calendar)

31st Week after Pentecost. Tone five.
Nativity (St. Philip's Fast). Food with Oil
Saturday the Nativity of our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ
Forefeast of the Nativity of Christ.
Holy Ten Martyrs of Crete: Theodulus, Saturninus, Euporus, Gelasius, Eunician, Zoticus, Pompeius, Agathopus, Basilides, and Evaristus (250).
New Hieromartyr Basil priest and Hieromartyrs Macarius and John (1938).
St. Theoctistus, archbishop of Novgorod (1310).
Venerable Niphon bishop of Cyprus (4th c.).
Venerable Paul, bishop of Neo-Caesarea (4th c.).
St. Nahum of Ochrid, enlightener of the Bulgarians (910) (Bulgaria).
New Hieromartyrs John Piankov and Nicholas Yakhontov priests (1918).
Venerable David of Echmiadzin in Armenia (693).
Venerable Niphon, bishop of Cyprus (4th c.).
New Hieromartyr Paul (Kratirov) bishop of Starobelsk.
St. Egbert of Rathmelsigi (729) (Neth.).

The Scripture Readings

Colossians 1:3-6
Luke 16:10-15
Galatians 3:8-12 Saturday Before
Luke 13:18-29 Saturday Before


10 Holy Martyrs of Crete, Tone IV —
In their sufferings, O Lord,/ Thy martyrs received imperishable crowns from Thee our God;/ for, possessed of Thy might,/ they set at nought the tormentors and crushed the feeble audacity of the demons.// By their supplications save Thou our souls.

Forefeast of the Nativity, Troparion, Tone IV —
Make ready, O Bethlehem!/ Open unto all, O Eden!/ Adorn thyself, O Ephratha!/ For the Tree of life hath blossomed forth from the Virgin in the cave./ Her womb is shown to be a noetic paradise,/ wherein lieth a divine garden,/ eating from whence we live,/ not dying like Adam.// Christ is born to raise up His image which before was fallen.

Kontakion of the Forefeast, Tone III "Today the Virgin" —
Today the Virgin cometh to give birth ineffably/ to the preeternal Word in the cave./ Dance, O world! And having heard this,/ with the angels and shepherds glorify// the preeternal God, Who is to appear as a little babe.

Kontakion to the Martyrs, Tone IV —
A morning-star hath shone forth,/ the honorable contest of the martyrs,/ illumining for us beforehand Him Who is born in the cave,// to Whom the Virgin gave birth without seed.

May 5 – Great and Holy Pascha

Fixed Great FeastsJanuary 7 – The Nativity of our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ
January 19 – The Baptism of Our Lord and God and Saviour Jesus Christ
February 15 – Meeting of our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ in the Temple
April 7 – The Annunciation of Our Most Holy Lady, the Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mar
August 19 – The Holy Transfiguration of Our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ
August 28 – The Dormition of our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary
September 21 – Nativity of Our Most Holy Lady the Mother of God and Ever Virgin Mar
September 27 – The Universal Elevation of the Precious and Life-Creating Cross of the Lord
December 4 – Entry into the Temple of our Most Holy Lady Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary

Movable Great FeastsApril 28 – Palm Sunday
June 13 – Holy Ascension
June 23 – Pentecost - Trinity Sunday

FeastsJanuary 14 – Circumcision of the Lord
July 7 – The Nativity of the Holy Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord, John
July 12 – The Holy, Glorious and All-Praised Leaders of the Apostles: Peter and Paul
September 11 – The Beheading of the Prophet, Forerunner of the Lord, John the Baptist
October 14 – Protection of Our Most Holy Lady the Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary

Fasting SeasonsMarch 18 - May 4 – Great Lent
July 1 - July 11 – Apostles' (Peter & Paul) Fast
August 14 - August 28 – Dormition (Theotokos) Fast
November 28 - January 6 – Nativity (St. Philip's Fast)

Fast Days The Wednesdays and Fridays of the Year, except for Fast-Free Weeks
January 18 – Kreschensky sochelnik (The Eve of Theophany)
September 11 – The Beheading of St. John the Baptist
September 27 – The Elevation of the Cross

Traditional days of remembranceMarch 9 – Meat-fare Saturday
March 30 – 2-nd Saturday of the Great Lent
April 6 – 3-rd Saturday of the Great Lent
April 13 – 4-th Saturday of the Great Lent
May 14 – Radonitsa (Tuesday of the 2nd week of Pascha)
June 22 – Trinity Saturday
November 2 – Demetrius Saturday

Fast-free WeeksJanuary 7 - January 17 – Sviatki (Afterfeast of the Nativity of Christ to Theophany Eve)
February 24 - March 2 – Publican & Pharisee
March 10 - March 16 – Maslenitsa
May 5 - May 11 – Bright Week
June 23 - June 29 – Trinity Week

Kamis, 03 Januari 2013

Liturgi Natal Paroikia Tritunggal Maha Kudus

Liturgi Natal Gereja Orthodox Indonesia Parokia Tritunggal Maha Kudus Solo Minggu Tgl 6 Januari 2013 Jam 08 00 WIB sampai jam 10,30 Liturgi Pranatal, Jam 18 00 WIB sampai selesai Liturgi Natal. 

Tempat : Gereja Orthodox Indonesia Paroikia Tritunggal Mahakudus Solo
Alamat : Sumber RT 02 RW XV Banjarsari Surakarta (Solo)
Imam : Presbyter Alexios Setir C

Dihimbau umat Orthodox yang berdiaspora yang mau ikut Liturgi Natal dipersilahkan datang.
Romo Alexios

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